We all know I love to cook. I love to eat. I love to cook and eat things that have a lot of cheese in them. One of my favorite things to make and eat is
broccoli cheddar soup but I always make a HUGE mess whenever I make it and cleaning is not one of my favorite task. Along with that mess comes more dishes than I really want to wash. Especially the pot I cooked the soup in. The soup always leaves a layer of flower and cheese that gets stuck to the bottom of the pot. I felt like I could soak and wash that pot over and over and there is still that weird white residue leftover until I discovered Bar Keepers Friend sitting in the back of my cleaning cabinet. Hello my life has suddenly become easier! This stuff is incredible. It makes your pots and pans spotless and so stinkin shiny. It gets off everything from cheese, burned eggs to rust! Its so easy. Just sprinkle the white magic powder, let it sit for two or three minutes, take a wet rag and just wash it all away!
Seriously ladies, go do yourself a favor, save the elbow grease for the bathroom and go buy a can of this stuff!
I love that stuff!! It's a miracle worker all over my house :)