Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I did with my day off...

I had a lot of aspirations for my day off on Monday. Needless to say my life consist of dreaming of all the great things I'm not only going to accomplish that day but in my lifetime. Usually I either get bored or lack motivation to complete a lot of the things. BUT the biggest and most important thing on my list to finish was the art work for my wall (which I'll admit was my husbands doings. Oh I tried to help but after miserably failing at drawing a straight line on the wood he needed to cut I got demoted to kitchen duty). I'll post pictures of the finished product.

**Also check out our Etsy site where we will be selling duplicates of this.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! turned out so good!!
    i miss your face so get on skype on your lazy days off missy! :]
